Safety, Health, And Environmental Programs

Employee Wellness Programs
Employee wellness programs are established to provide employees with opportunities and resources to attain and maintain optimal levels in several of the recognized dimensions of wellness, such as physical, social, intellectual, emotional, and occupational wellness.
The United States Secret Service (Secret Service) has established employee wellness programs to provide employees with opportunities and resources to attain and maintain optimal levels in several of the recognized dimensions of wellness, such as physical, social, intellectual, emotional, and occupational wellness. Employee participation in wellness programs is voluntary.
The goals of wellness programs include but are not limited to:
- Creating an organizational culture that emphasizes the importance of employee health and wellbeing;
- Empowering employees to make positive choices regarding their wellbeing through education on preventive health behaviors and chronic disease management;
- Improving health literacy levels;
- Promoting employee participation in health-related programs; and,
- Increasing employee engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction.
Health Awareness Programs
The Secret Service supports employee wellness by providing employees with access to various free programs that focus on health promotion and disease prevention. These programs include, but are not limited to:
- Physical fitness activities and challenges;
- Screenings, such as blood pressure and glucose;
- Health fairs;
- Awareness displays on stroke, diabetes, nutrition, cancers, ergonomics, and others;
- Seminars on topics such as cardiovascular health, stress management/mindfulness, sleep, hygiene, headaches, Alzheimer’s disease, and others; and,
- Influenza immunization clinics.
These programs are provided by the Safety, Health, and Environmental Programs Division (SAF) staff, and through partnerships with area healthcare professionals and local organizations. SAF will publicize these programs via memorandum, posters/flyers, and web page announcements.
Employee blood drives are part of the wellness program as well. Additional information on blood drives can be found in SAF-03(06), Red Cross Blood Donation Program.
Emergency Preparedness Program
The United States Secret Service established the Emergency Preparedness Program (EPP) to provide centralized program management for emergency preparedness (EP) planning necessary to safeguard Secret Service employees while ensuring the continuous performance of Secret Service Mission Essential Functions (MEFs) under any circumstance. In the event a natural, manufactured, and/or hazardous disaster/threat takes place, well-developed contingency plans must exist to ensure the safety of the Secret Service workforce while limiting disruption of key MEFs outlined within the Secret Service Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP.)