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A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.


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Don't Be a Victim of Scams

The men and women of the United States Secret Service are dedicated to protecting our nation from individuals and criminal organizations intent on scamming Americans. The U.S. Secret Service works in partnership with numerous federal, state, local, tribal and territorial law enforcement agencies to deter, prevent, investigate and prosecute criminals. The U.S. Secret Service also partners with industry and academia who are instrumental in identifying and reporting fraudulent activity.

To protect yourself from scams remain vigilant and aware.


Be aware that criminals are using identities stolen from U.S. citizens to commit various crimes.

  • Common Cybersecurity Practices

    Common Cybersecurity Practices

    Learn how to stay safe online.

Criminals are recruiting witting and unwitting money mules to transfer their criminal proceeds.

  • Don't Be a Mule

    Don't be a Money Mule. Learn how to protect yourself.

    Money laundering is a crime, and so is being a money mule.

  • Romance Scam

    romance scam

    Stay Safe Online

  • Online Sales and Auction Fraud

    Online Sales and Auction Fraud

    There has been an increase in fraud associated with online sales and auctions

Criminals are using stolen identities to submit fraudulent applications, creating counterfeit government checks and stealing checks from mailboxes to divert much-needed government stimulus funds from unsuspecting individuals.


Victim and Witness Assistance Program

We work together with victims and witnesses of crimes that undermine the integrity of U.S. financial and payment systems and attorneys who prosecute these crimes.

Report identity theft and get a recovery plan.

Report anything you think may be a fraud, scam, or bad business practice.